Construction Environmental Management Plan CEMP.

H2Ogeo delivers CEMPs across the UK to support the discharge of pre-commencement planning conditions, or to satisfy pre-application requirements.

To receive your proposal contact us using the CEMP Enquiry form.

What is a CEMP?

A Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) is a working document that defines how a site will mitigate its potential impacts through construction on the environment and local community.

The CEMP provides a management framework for the planning and implementation of construction activities in accordance with environmental commitments identified by Project Managers.

To discuss you CEMP requirements please contact us

What do CEMPs include?

A good CEMP will reflect the company’s own internal policies and environmental cultures as well as provide a practical set of guidelines for on-site processes during construction.

The CEMP would set out the following:

  • Environmental Management System (EMS) requirements;

  • Ensure compliance with current legislation;

  • Effectively minimise any potential adverse environmental effects during construction; and

  • Outline how site specific method statements will be developed.

Who asks for them?

The Local Planning Authority may request a CEMP as part of your planning permission. It can be present as a planning condition or as part of the standard environmental conditions applied to large or sensitive developments.

Even where a CEMP has not been specifically requested they can save time and money when considering the potential environmental impacts of a construction job. The CEMP would contain all the relevant information to enable the LPA to decide if the working will mitigate any potential impacts on the environment and local communities.

H2Ogeo delivers high quality, site-specific CEMP reports for Clients throughout the UK, to find our more Contact Us.


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