Water Neutrality Statements
WNS for Applicants across the Sussex North Water Resource Zone
Natural England Position Statement - September 2021
As it cannot be concluded that the existing abstraction within Sussex North Water Supply Zone is not having an impact on the Arun Valley site, we advise that developments within this zone must not add to this impact. This is required by recent caselaw, Case C-323/17 People over wind and Sweetman. Ruling of CJEU (often referred to as sweetman II) and Coöperatie Mobilisation for the Environment and Vereniging Leefmilieu Case C-293/17 (often referred to as the Dutch Nitrogen cases).
Contact H2Ogeo to find out more about our Water Neutrality Statement capabilities.
Water Neutrality Quotation.
Natural England cannot, with certainty, conclude that the Sussex North Water Resource Zone, that includes supplies from groundwater abstraction, is not having an adverse effect on the integrity of:
Arun Valley Special Area Conservation (SAC);
Arun Valley Special Protection Area (SPA); and
Arun Valley Ramsar Site.
The relevant Local Planning Authorities are requesting a Water Neutrality Statement is provided to demonstrate that the proposed development does not increase the total water abstraction for drinking water supplies above existing levels.
Working across Horsham, Chichester, Waverley and Crawley, H2Ogeo is well placed to provide Water Neutrality Statements.
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Complete the form below to get a free WNS quotation, alternatively call 07787 231455 to discuss your project.