Winter Groundwater Monitoring at H2Ogeo
Winter groundwater monitoring is an important aspect of Planning. It allows us to better understand the dynamics of this vital resource during the cold season when levels are at their peak. This then ensures the efficacy of drainage schemes and protection against contamination.
As climate change continues to alter precipitation patterns and temperature regimes, winter groundwater monitoring is even more critical in adapting to these changes and safeguarding water resources for future generations.
H2Ogeo has implemented many Winter groundwater monitoring schemes throughout the south east and, as groundwater levels start to reach their seasonal lows, it is time to start thinking about drilling and installing your monitoring borehole for planning. You need you borehole installed and ready to go to capture the peak elevation data, typically around February/March.
Contact H2Ogeo for a fee proposal today, or complete the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.