Fixed Price Winter Groundwater Monitoring For Planning.
Groundwater elevations tend to peak around February to March in the UK.
Due to the devastating impact of groundwater flooding events Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) sometimes request monitoring of Winter groundwater levels as part of a planning permission.
In parts of the South East, when considering SuDS for your development, the design must include adequate Winter groundwater monitoring to determine the highest winter groundwater table. Local Authorities require residential developments to have groundwater monitoring carried out between October and March inclusive.
This period typically reflects the lowest levels and peak elevations.
Smaller developments can be subject to agreement with the LPA’s Engineers but will need to capture the likely peak groundwater levels during the winter period.
Due to demand and availability it is key to get the monitoring point designed and drilled as early as possible to ensure you capture the relevant, seasonal data…
Adequate unsaturated zone must be present beneath the base of a planned soakaway structure and the highest recorded groundwater level identified in that location. This unsaturated zone ensures adequate soakage medium and provides attenuation and protection to the underlying Controlled Waters.
H2Ogeo provides a technical approach to groundwater monitoring and our bespoke designs, execution and reporting means Clients’ needs are met whilst obtaining approval from LPAs.
For more information on groundwater monitoring and how we can help you meet the requirements Contact us today