H2Ogeo Blog
Fixed Price Winter Groundwater Monitoring For Planning.
Fixed Price Winter groundwater monitoring by H2Ogeo for planning applications and discharge of conditions
Construction Environmental Management Plan CEMP.
Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs) are provided by H2Ogeo for Clients throughout the UK.
Nutrient Neutrality
H2Ogeo provides a screening service to see if nutrient neutrality is required on your development as it will depend on the type and location of your development. If required, H2Ogeo will work closely with you to deliver the calculations.
Permitting Advice for Septic Tanks and Package Treatment Plants.
The requirements for non-mains drainage has changed over the past few years and now you must follow the general binding rules if you’re the operator of a septic tank or small sewage treatment plant.
Groundwater Flooding.
The Flooding from Groundwater guide provides Practical advice to help reduce the impact of flooding from groundwater, Download it here.