H2Ogeo Blog
Fixed Price Winter Groundwater Monitoring For Planning.
Fixed Price Winter groundwater monitoring by H2Ogeo for planning applications and discharge of conditions
Natural England advice for development proposals - Nutrient Neutrality
New advice on Nutrient Neutrality identifies an additional 42 Local Authorities that now come under the rules. Contact H2Ogeo to find out how we can help with mitigation appraisals, hydrogeological assessments and nutrient budgets.
Water Neutrality - The Latest (March 2022)
Horsham District council has much of its jurisdiction in the Sussex North Water Resource Zone - To find out the latest on Water Neutrality go to their website.
Nutrient Neutrality
H2Ogeo guides Clients through the nutrient neutrality process providing a technical resource for Developers, Land Owners, Agents and Farmers across the Country.
Construction Environmental Management Plan CEMP.
Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs) are provided by H2Ogeo for Clients throughout the UK.